Saturday, July 25, 2009
I get my buddy last week..n her name is apex 1st year dental student..waa..1st time to act as a senior..I used to ask them.. “nape amik dentistry?” ..and i get so many kind of answer..including.. “sbb sy pkai braces..” haha..wat an interesting reason..
Then, i think again..why did i choose dentistry..i never thought before until i finished my matriculation dat i want to b a dentist..cause..since school..i love maths so much..and art..
Talking about art..since in usm..n was so busy with all the classes n requirement..i stop doing my “art work”..Bdk2 dental pndai ke art? Art xsemestinye melukis.. singing,dancing,acting..playing instrument are also ART..Dentistry pun perlu art tau..
Dr sekolah rendah dulu..fa sngt minat bidang seni..mase primary school..fa de join klas menari..dr darjah 3-6.. Not like Britney Spears huh.. Traditional dance.. Fa pnah wat perfomance kat Rumah P. Ramlee kat Penang dulu..Sempena mengenang Alllahyarham.. Fa pnah dpt tawaran masuk citrawarna kat mum xbg cuz..well.. she loves me soo much n xle jauh dr anak bongsu pinang peribut die just can see my frens practising..Owh..never will forget bout dat..
Then.. fa pindah klantan.. Dah stop dancing2.. Try to learn drawing lak.. bes ngt..ptg2 after school, pg klas lukisan ptame fa ms blaja dulu..very basic..jus draw anything yg ade dpn mate..
Pindah lak masuk MJSC PC mase form 4.. den fa mule bejinak ngn music.. n im kinda fell in love with music.. I’d join the orchestra grup.. named.. D’Melodiuos Orchestra..Under pimpinan ..En. Razi..Such a talented music teacher..Wat do i play? Mule2 blaja recorder je..hey..don think it’s easy.. U never noe...until u learn..hehe..den fa dpt blaja men keyboard lak..bes ngt100x.. n club ni pnah perform kat usm KK..taim battle of the band..hehe..hint yg 1 day nant.. fa akan blaja kat sini kot..alang2 dah masuk orchestra...tamak tul..nak masuk Choir lak.. nyanyi2..enjoy ngt upper secondary school dulu..
Masuk matriculation..dah xde dah sume club2 seni camtu..sedih ngt...den.. tetbe de petandingn Drama..Even xpnah2 blaja belakon..tingin lak nk masuk.. join..practise..n den.. dpt masuk final..not me alone acting la..within a group.. Guess ape watak fa dpt.. d herion..hehe.. But as it was a sad ending.. i die at the end of da story..huhu..barisan para pelakon,guru penasihat n tenage pembantu..hee~
USM here i am now..ape yg ade kat sini?? Notim..for d second year student.. there are only Wataniah n JPAM.. both kawad kaki..aaaa..never ever fa join kawad before.. n i don like sports.. ape nk je ade..
Sports pe yg fa le men?? Sume yg xbepeluh..hehe..Fa pnah join bowling.. petanque.. chess (sukan ke ni??) archery..(hey..even im skiny..bule je angkat tau..hehe).. so now..dah xde dental student..i only hav time to time to play..So for my juniors..Ur new day has come..
it's look like you really in art..hehehehe..and my soul just like really love art :)..fa,art have no boundaries is an ART TOO!!!! Enjoy...
pandainya lukis....potret boleh juga ke...
nizam..tul 2..sumenye kene de nmpk nilai pd tiap bende..kan2..
ijad..potret??xdela..xla smpai pndai wat potret..ebat dah 2..bule wat bisness..lukis yg simple2 je..huhu..
A life of sacrifice is the pinnacle of art, and is full of true joy.
nk jd doc mmg x leh aktif sngt kut..kne nga buku jerk.hehe..
im like blog u
9-movies..tq ya..njoy reading!!
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