Saturday, June 27, 2009
Doktor : Ubat gigi apa yang puan guna untuk anak puan? (lebih kurangla)
Ibu : Saya tak ingat doktor..yang pasti HALAL..
Doktor : Ubat gigi bukan perlu sekadar HALAL tapi berflorida. Florida penting dalam penjagaan gigi.Florida juga..bla..bla..bla..(tak ingat dah..)
Ingat tak iklan Ubat Gigi ni? Die cite ttg pentingnye gune ubat gigi berflorida..But..What did you really understand about FLUORIDE??
Fluoride: identified as one of the elements present in dental hard tissues.
Fluoride ion is “calcium – seeking”
Fluorapatite = Ca10(PO4)6F2
All we all know..toothpaste and mouth rinses contains flouride, but did you realise that in our daily diet also have fluoride? The example are fish and tea..But with very little amount..
Most of ingested fluoride are absorbed in the digestive tract (saluran pencernaan)and go to the blood. Only small amounts is unabsorbed and excreted in the faeces. Circulating plasma fluoride will deposited to teeth and bone and only small amount to soft tissues. Then, it will excrete via urinary system (major pathway) and sweat, small amount in milk, saliva and digestive juice.
What’s the function?
1. Fluoride were incorporated into tooth structure to increased resistance to acid attack
2. Influence the solubility rate
3. Catalyses stable apatitic phase
4. Favours remineralisation of early carious lesions
5. Effect on acid formation
6. Affect the morphology of the teeth making them more self cleansing
7. Different agent with specific effects
Senang nk paham..florida penting dalam penjagaan gigi dengan meneutralkan asid plak yg melekat pd gigi yg menyebabkan sakit gigi..
Tp di Malaysia.. Water fluoridation dah lame diperkenalkan bermule di negeri Johor since 1957..Why? To prevent caries among Malaysian..Community water fluoridation is safe and cost-effective and should be introduced and maintained wherever it is socially acceptable and feasible. The optimum water fluoride concentration will normally be within the range of 0.5ppm – 1.0ppm.
Certain country.. They apply fluoride in tablets, drop or lozenges instead of water fluoridation. It depends on current levels of fluoride intake, caries status and age of subjects in the area.
Kurang Florida menyebabkan karies gigi..Kalu lebih??
Florida berlebihan dalam badan boleh menyebabkan Fluorosis..
Tp jangan risau..Kite perlu telan 5 tube ubat gigi utk mendapat penyakit ini.. Possible? Go back and try..
So.. make sure gune ubat gg with fluoride ya..especially area Kelantan..cuz.. Kelantan don hav water fluoridation..k..
gambar gigi...
wah!post yg memang bermanfaat, congratz..tpikan, nak lebih jelas..hmm..kita guna ubat gigi tanpa flourida lagi bagus, atau yg berflourida?atau 2 2 boleh digunakan?tQ tu plak ek.
saya ada wat entri pasal ni, tapi saya tak tahu pulak kn telan 5 tube ubat gigi baru sakit fluorosis...oo..syukran..=)
em, tapi kan kat ubat gigi, kebanyakan tak tulis content dia kan? hm..
tu la..spatutnya kena la tulis kan ainul, baru la kita tahu asal usul ubt gigi kan fa, sy ade tdengar yg tak elok guna ubt gigi yg ade flourida, sbb dlm diet kita seharian pun dh ada flouride, cthnya, mkanan laut,dalam teh, jadi adakah ubt gigi berflorida itu masih penting?(hehe..ayt skema)
WAH..tajuk kite sama..hehe
oooo, mcm tu ye?hmmm
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